What Are Super Greens? (The Benefits of Superfood Shakes)

We all know that fruits and vegetables are essential to a healthy diet. Sufficient vegetable intake is associated with effective bodyweight management and a reduced risk of chronic diseases, and adding more veggies to the average diet can help promote health in general.

Even with our extensive knowledge of the benefits of whole food greens, vegetable intake is still inadequate in many countries.

Enter: Super greens.

What are super greens? “Super greens” is a common name for dietary supplements, typically powdered shakes, intended to help you reach your daily recommended vegetable intake. This article will discuss what goes into MANTRA Labs’ SUPER GREENS supplement shake and some of the science behind this superfood blend.

What Are Super Greens?

Green powder supplements usually consist of a mix of vegetable extracts (whole dried vegetables are even better), fruit, and fiber (great if your super greens have this). Bonus points if there’s a mix of healthy grasses like wheatgrass.

When it comes to healthy foods, you might expect a green smoothie to taste something like a freshly mown yard. Yet, unlike other brands, our SUPER GREENS has the natural flavors of mixed berries and apples, making it easier to enjoy your daily dose of greens. While it mixes easily with water, you can also mix SUPER GREENS into your favorite fruit juice, shake, or smoothie to give it some extra flavor.

SUPER GREENS is low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and iron. One serving contains:

  • Calories: 25
  • Carbohydrates: 10 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams
  • Dietary fiber: 8 grams (almost two times more than many fiber supplements!)
  • Vitamin C: 100% Daily Value
  • Vitamin D: 100% Daily Value
  • Zinc: 100% Daily Value
  • Iron: 9% Daily Value

While the nutrition label looks promising, the overarching question remains: Does SUPER GREENS work? What are the proven benefits of green supplements?

We’re glad you asked.

Benefits of SUPER GREENS

Recent studies have examined the effectiveness of greens powders. Benefits vary between brands, as different products focus on various purposes such as meal replacement, low-calorie supplements, high-protein shakes, or prebiotics. 

SUPER GREENS is an organic all-in-one health boost for your daily wellness routine. With a full serving of USDA organic whole food green veggies and fruits, 100% of the RDA of vitamin C, D3, Zinc, and Selenium, and one full serving of fiber, here are a few of the numerous benefits of powdered greens.

Dietary Fiber

High-fiber foods including bread, oranges, apples, bananas, potatoes, nuts, and beans

As we mentioned before, SUPER GREENS contains more fiber in one serving than many dietary fiber supplements. What does that mean for your health?

Because fiber remains undigested, it acts like a broom that cleans your digestive tract. Insoluble fiber, which is found in apples, vegetables, and whole-grain flours, passes through the digestive system quickly and can help reduce the risk of constipation and prevent gut infections.

Ongoing studies have linked fiber consumption to a reduced risk of certain heart diseases and some metabolic diseases. Research has also shown a connection between sufficient fiber intake and reduced body weight, so a high-fiber diet could also play a role in helping you achieve your weight-loss goals.

Fiber does more than support our physical health. Sufficient intake of dietary fiber is a critical component of cognitive performance and control, suggesting a correlation between a high-fiber diet and cognitive function and well-being.

It’s no secret that fiber has a wide variety of potential health benefits. Even still, many Americans struggle to get enough fiber in their daily diet. The average American adult eats 10 to 15 grams of total fiber per day, while the USDA’s recommended daily intake for adults up to age 50 is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men.

SUPER GREENS is an easy way to increase your daily fiber intake while still getting vitamins from green vegetables that many fiber supplements lack. Click here to learn more about the importance of fiber.


Our prebiotic gut health fiber blend also contains organic Jerusalem artichoke inulin, which is a special type of dietary fiber that is naturally found in foods such as artichokes, chicory root, and asparagus. Research has shown that inulin supports gut health and can help the body absorb calcium more efficiently, which is essential for creating a strong skeletal system.

Energy Assist

SUPER GREENS contains one full serving of vegetables in each scoop, with 14 kale leaves, 1 broccoli floret, and 4 spinach leaves.

How does that affect our energy levels? These vegetables contain necessary nutrients like fiber and vitamins that are linked to lower rates of obesity or poor health. Additionally, studies have shown a connection between fiber intake and a healthy energy balance.

One serving of SUPER GREENS also contains 9% of the daily recommended intake of iron. Symptoms of iron deficiency (anemia) include weakness, lack of energy, and problems with concentration and memory. Increasing your intake of iron-rich foods, such as spinach or kale, can help you replenish your iron stores and decrease your risk of anemia.

While studies on the effects of green powders are relatively new and incomplete, current research shows significant improvements in the energy levels of participants who used green powders over an extended period.

Immune System Support

An immunity boost is one of the main claims of vitamin C supplements. Is that true?

Vitamin C is a micronutrient that encourages the production of white blood cells, which protect the body against infection. Additionally, vitamin C protects white blood cells from harmful molecules, such as free radicals, which can help them function more effectively. Studies have shown that an adequate intake of vitamin C, supported by iron and zinc, supports an effective immune response.

Natural sources of vitamin C include:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Fruits

One serving of SUPER GREENS contains 100% of the daily recommended value of vitamin C and zinc.

Vitamin D

Nearly 50% of the global population suffers from vitamin D insufficiency, which stems from reduced outdoor activities and a lack of dietary vitamin D. While the major source of vitamin D for adults and children is sunlight, some foods are also fortified with vitamin D to help reduce the rate of deficiency.

Vitamin D has many uses that affect our bones, intestines, immune and cardiovascular systems, pancreas, muscles, and brain. It makes sense, then, that the consequences of vitamin D insufficiency would also be widespread – the lack of vitamin D may put one at higher risk for cancer, depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cognitive disease, and other health concerns which can be found here.

SUPER GREENS contains 100% of the vegan vitamin D recommended daily intake in each scoop, so you can ensure you are getting enough of the essential nutrient.

Mood Booster

Serotonin is a hormone best known for its ability to help us regulate our mood. Serotonin has become a target for treatments for psychological disorders, and lower levels of serotonin have been connected to a lowered mood.

To increase levels of serotonin, studies have examined how lowering the body’s tryptophan affects serotonin levels. If varying levels of tryptophan directly affected levels of serotonin, we could increase our intake of high-tryptophan foods, like spinach, to support our serotonin levels.

Researchers found that a diet lacking tryptophan can lead to decreased levels of serotonin. Depleted serotonin could result in a lowered mood state and cognitive impairments, while increased levels of tryptophan have a positive effect on emotional processing, attention, and memory.

That’s where SUPER GREENS comes in. Made with spinach and other mood-boosting ingredients, it can raise your serotonin levels and give you that positive burst of energy your body and mind need.

There is also a correlation between healthy gut bacteria and mood. According to the American Psychological Association, gut bacteria produce neurochemicals that the brain uses to regulate basic psychological processes. For example, gut bacteria produce about 95% of the body’s serotonin. Study participants have shown that inulin-rich foods, like those in SUPER GREENS’ prebiotic gut health fiber blend, can lead to beneficial modifications of the composition and function of gut microbiota.


You can take SUPER GREENS in the morning or at lunchtime as a quick way to get alkalizing grasses, greens, and super fruits. SUPER GREENS also makes a great midday snack, as it has enough fiber to help satiate you so you aren’t immediately hungry again.

Improve Your Daily Nutrition with SUPER GREENS

A SUPER GREENS canister beside broccoli, kale, spinach, a glass full of a green drink, and a scoop of green powder on a marble counter

At MANTRA, we believe that a great life comes down to our daily choices. Small daily choices can add up to have an enormous impact on our physical and emotional health.

That’s why we created SUPER GREENS – to make it easier than ever to improve your daily nutrition and enjoy the long-term benefits. Don’t just take it from us, either. Our customers love SUPER GREENS and not only for the natural flavor. To see how customers are enjoying SUPER GREENS or to learn more, click here!