Are Afternoon Naps a Good Idea?

We’ve all been there – You’ve been sitting at your desk all day, staying focused and working hard, when all of a sudden the clock ticks 1:00 pm and the midday slump hits you like a truck. You need an afternoon energy boost. Meeting after meeting, work-at/stay-at home parent with meetings and kids, just kids, not kids - afternoon tiredness can hit us all. Kids seem to like to and have a heck of a lot of energy! Maybe taking a nap yourself is a good idea?

Napping might sound like the perfect solution to this midday slump, but you wonder, “are naps good for you?” They can be! However, napping for too long or at the wrong time can actually make you more tired and lead to sleep problems. We'll describe the ideal way to nap and offer other solutions to aid with afternoon fatigue.

Benefits of Napping

Napping is one of the most effective ways to recuperate energy in the afternoon. Beyond that, an afternoon snooze offers plenty of other benefits. Naps can boost your memory, helping you to remember important details for your next meeting. They can improve job performance as they aid you in staying focused.  Naps make you more alert, and they can also ease stress. Naps can provide a natural afternoon energy boost – one that we all desire but don’t always budget time for.

The Right Way to Nap

Now that you know the benefits behind naps, let’s go over how to nap properly. Yes, there’s a right and a wrong way. If done incorrectly, naps can take a toll on the rest of your day.

Nap Time

Lunchtime (about 12:30 p.m.) or during the “post-lunch dip” (between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m.) is the best time to nap. This is the time after lunch when your drowsiness settles in and work performance declines. A 2:00 p.m. nap might be the perfect solution. How much you sleep the night before can also dictate your nap time. If you are well rested, napping slightly later is better. If you are behind on sleep, consider a slightly earlier nap. A nap too late in the day can affect your sleep the following night, so try not to start your nap much later than 2:00 p.m.

Nap Length

Many people make the mistake of letting their naps last longer than they need to. Learning how to power nap can change your life – even a nap as short as 10 minutes can be beneficial! Keep your nap shorter than 30 minutes to avoid waking up feeling more tired than before. No one wants to feel groggy the rest of the afternoon. This grogginess is called sleep inertia and you’ll likely feel it the longer you nap. The worse it is, the more time it will take to wake up. This makes it difficult to transition back into a productive work state.

Man wakes up from a nap in a white bed during the daytime and experiences an afternoon energy boost

Alternatives for Battling Afternoon Fatigue

Naps are great, but not everyone has the time or flexibility to take an afternoon nap. Here are some things you can do instead.

Get Enough Sleep at Night

This is common knowledge, but regularly getting enough sleep at night can keep you awake throughout the day. For most adults, sleeping for 7-8 hours at night is sufficient. Getting any less sleep than that can make days feel long and meetings feel longer. Create a good habit of consistent nightly sleep to get you through your day.

GO Energy

GO is another way to get an afternoon boost in. Simply mix a scoop into water or your favorite protein shake and experience a natural afternoon energy boost. Unlike sugary energy drinks and other supplements with artificial caffeine, GO gives you clean energy without the crash. This means you can keep working, get the afternoon workout in and just feel great all around. This plant-powered dietary supplement is made to support natural energy and recovery.

You Decide

Naps are the perfect way to get through a midday slump. Be careful to time them right and keep them short! And if you are looking to sustain your energy naturally through the day try a MANTRA GO to discover how energized and great you can feel with proper chrono-nutrition.