5 Quick Sleep Tips

REST is one of our most popular nutrition solutions. It’s no small wonder: it’s a sleep supplement that actually works. In a sea of supplements with promises that don’t deliver, it’s a welcome differentiator.

But we’re currently out of stock due to some shipping and harvesting issues (thanks, COVID) and overwhelming demand that eliminated our stocks before we could get more in.

We made it because it worked for us and our families – and we’ve seen the positive effects from all the 5-star reviews you’ve given us.

All this to say that all of us rely on it, and we can’t apologize enough for being sold out right now. These tips, while not a replacement, can help you get to sleep quicker and easier – without stressing your wallet out.

Tips to Get to Sleep

1) Keep Your Bed for Sleeping (and Adult Activities)

Humans are creatures of habits and pattern recognition – especially when it comes to sleep. That means if you hop in your bed only to scroll TikTok, Facebook, or see what’s happening in late night baseball games, you’re going to teach your body and your brain bad habits.

The same goes if you decide to read in bed, watch TV, or do anything you wouldn’t normally associate with bed. Yes, it’s perfectly fine to use your bed for certain high energy activities. After all, that has its own benefit in helping you get to sleep.

2) Eat Nuts and Eggs (if you dabble)

Two of the highest natural sources of melatonin are eggs and nuts, specifically almonds.

Tart cherries and goji berries are also high up on the list.

3) Read More or Turn Down the Lights

Ideally, you should start winding down and dim the lights about half an hour to an hour before you want to go to bed.

Unsurprisingly, dimming the lights will help your body recognize it’s bedtime (since that’s what the sun does naturally for your circadian rhythm).

If you can’t dim your lights, either turn some down or turn your TV and phone off. Both emit blue light which blocks your production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Since you’ll have extra time when you’re not on your phone, replace it with reading, meditating, or talking to your family, partner, or roommate.

4) Get Some Sun

We talk a lot about circadian rhythm here – and that’s 100% on purpose. Your bodies function on a timeline.

Part of that timeline has been massacred by the modern work schedule. The majority of people spend all the daylight hours inside. Light signals your brain when it’s time to wind down and go to sleep. Melatonin is produced as a result.

In addition, spending all day indoors prohibits vitamin D production. Vitamin D has its own giant list of benefits that you’re likely acquaintances with (mood, immune support, bones), and yes, sleep.

Now, this doesn’t mean you go out and burn yourself. In the summer, 10-15 minutes is likely all it’s going to take. If your skin starts turning a light shade of pink, that’s a sign you’re getting ready to burn. Make sure you head inside.

5) Exercise

If you’re not exercising to help lose weight, feel more fit, or better overall health, here’s another reason: better sleep.

Exercising within an hour or two of your bedtime is more than likely to keep you up longer, so make sure you’re getting a sweat in at least 2-3 hours before bed.

So there you have it. None of these can replace REST, but they all things you can do to sleep better  whether you use REST or not. Keep these habits up when REST comes back in stock and you will be amazed at how well you sleep and how great you feel the next day. To be notified as soon as REST does come back into stock, please sign up for an email notification on the REST page.