What the Heck is PQQ?

In this world, there are few adults that would argue against caffeine being one of the most essential chemicals of everyday life. There are many that simply can’t get by without it – as is evidenced by the coffee shops on every single mercantile block.

That’s because it’s a nootropic that gives you the focus you need in the morning to not crash on the way to work (back to your house) and the energy needed to smile and wave at the people on your Zoom call.

If you’ve looked beyond nootropics like caffeine for help with cognitive support, you’ve likely run into racetams and L-theanine.

But there’s a little-known nootropic that is steadily gaining more attention.

So What is PQQ?

PQQ is short for Pyrroloquinoline quinone and is a nootropic that supports mitochondrial energy and can help you focus.

There are a couple of ten cent words in there, so let’s break it down a bit.

Nootropics… they’re anything that can support your brain health. 

Mitochondria are organelles responsible for creating energy that power your body’s biochemical processes.

And focus… you might not know what it is, but you know you need it. ;)

PQQ Supports Energy Production

Now, there’s a difference between the energy PQQ provides and how caffeine jolts you awake.

PQQ works at the cellular level by supporting mitochondrial health. Mitochondria are your biggest producers of ATP – the type of energy that powers your cells, ensuring you’re powered up and ready to go when you need to be.

Scientists confirmed this by studying mitochondria in those without a diet rich in PQQ and later, the mitochondria after supplementing with PQQ. The study showed PQQ supports both mitochondrial growth and health.

The type of energy mitochondria produce is natural and is less like a shot to the arm (how caffeine sometimes feels – whether it’s from a cup of coffee or energy drink). You won’t necessarily feel it the same way, but you’ll know it’s working when you’re suddenly fresh, alert, and find your mornings flowing more smoothly.

PQQ Supports Cognitive Health

One of the ways scientists have found PQQ supports cognitive health is due to its effect in helping to lower cortisol levels.

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. It’s produced as part of your flight or fight response. You don’t need to be attacked by a bear for cortisol to get released in your system though.

It’s released when you get stressed (hence the name) – including things as simple as a person not letting in when you’re trying to merge on the highway, worrying you’re going to be late for a reservation, or trying to get your kids dressed in the morning.

As time goes on, cortisol can build up, affecting your immune system, weight, brain activity and cognitive health.

PQQ also supports the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). An increase in NGF can help maintain brain health and help protect neurons in your brain.

Where Can You Find PQQ?

With Pyrroloquinoline quinone having found its way to the market only recently, you’d think it must be from some superfruit hidden deep in the jungles of South America.

But it’s not. You can pick up the vegetables in probably any grocery store in the United States because it’s found in celery, spinach, and parsley. Seasonally, you can find PQQ in kiwi and papaya (since grocery stores don’t always carry those fruits year-round). However, the amounts in these foods are lower than you’ll find in a supplement.

Since PQQ, when taken at the right time, can help jumpstart your mornings, we’ve included it in RISE. It also works synergistically with other brain support and energy ingredients to give you the perfect way to start your day.*